Bethel Business and Community Development Centre
Education for Sustainable Development: Lesotho

BBCDC is off grid and obtains most of its energy from solar PV or thermal systems. Thermal systems are used extensively for water heating, cooking, space heating (passive design), cooling (solar chimneys and radiation), greenhouses and day lighting. PV systems are used for lighting, to operate shop tools and equipment, for water pumping and irrigation, appliances and office equipment. A state of the art biogas system is also in place, along with two small wind turbines. Several integrated platforms are innovative and resource efficient. BBCDC operates a commercial enterprise which sells PV equipment and solar water heaters. The contribution of solar and renewable energy to the operation, management and financial viability of this institution is substantial and also provides for high net levels of human realization and effectiveness. Radiation science is not just a technical application at BBCDC, but central to an entire framework which BBCDC refers to as landscape energy quality. The aim of good solar energy engineering and design in the built environment, aims for warmer winter conditions and cooler summer conditions, along with as much technical conversion as necessary. A critical understanding of oasis and greenhouse effects, enable an emerging earth systems science that is proactive. An elaborate and diverse irrigation and water collection distribution system is in operation on the BBCDC campus.